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Stephen Crane artist statement…

My art is an involvement with what I think to be the most brazen and threatening characteristics of our respective lives - things we love, things we fear, things we enjoy, all of which are so powerful in their impingement on us. I fear that current art has generally become extremely romantic and unrealistic - utopian. It has had less and less to do with the world, looking inward and all that. This is not so much criticism as an observation. Outside is the world; it's there. My art looks out into the world. It appears to accept its environment, which is not good or bad, but, rather, diverse, fluid and different - another state of mind.

An attempt at organized perception or some understanding of life is what my art is all about.  It is a process. It has to do with a way of building a unified pattern of seeing or an attempt to observe the human condition and its relevance.