about Lenore Gimpert…
Lenore Gimpert's paintings are a testament of courage & persistence. Painting her whole life, the paint and her are one. Painting has become second nature to her. Inspired in art school, she turned to abstract painting. She began to experiment with different materials, slathering thick paint on the canvas and texturizing it with what ever came to hand. She uses dripping techniques, smearing, splattering and pouring paint on paper and canvas. The backgrounds typically start with a black surface and progress to a bright white, or the brightest of color.
The Tutu Series are her signature pieces. They are full of color and beauty which reflect a life well lived full of struggle and reward. These tutu’s are an explosion of freedom and happiness like fireworks on the Fourth of July!
Lenore's home and studio are centered in the downtown area of Birmingham, Michigan. She received her BFA at the College for Creative Studies in Detroit, Michigan. She also obtains a MA and MFA from Wayne State University in Detroit. Her award winning work can be found in many private and public collections internationally.