
all About David Bloom…

David Bloom grew up and lives in Birmingham, Michigan, a community in the Metro Detroit area.

He attended the University of Michigan for undergraduate studies and obtained an MBA from Michigan State University.

In addition to his blooming artistic inclinations, David is an automotive purchasing professional at Ford, a civic activist, and a non-profit board member at a Goodwill environmental subsidiary.

In 2009 Bloom led a nationally recognized effort to successfully save his local newspaper, The Birmingham Eccentric, from closing. He later became a volunteer photojournalist for the publication with articles and photo essays to his credit.

As a founder of Birmingham Citizens for Responsible Government, Bloom co-led successful efforts to protect taxpayers by stopping unnecessary and wasteful 21 million and 60 million dollar pet political projects, helped prevent commercial developer incursion into residential neighborhoods through rezoning attempts, and worked on renovating and expanding the local public library at less than a third of the proposed replacement cost.

In US Federal Court Bloom victoriously defended First Amendment and Michigan Open Meetings Act rights to speak at public meetings in Birmingham during public comment periods and to prevent the live broadcasts from being capriciously cut off. He is also an avid alternative rock concert goer and music lover. Bloom’s stories and photographs have been published by the Birmingham Eccentric and his artwork has been exhibited in the Los Angeles area at the Palos Verdes Art Center and San Fernando Valley Arts and Cultural Center.

He is currently collaborating with the Baldwin Public library in Birmingham to sponsor a 175 foot public art mural project overlooking the city’s centrally located downtown Shain Park.