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Alfredo romero Artist Statement…

In the last decade of my career, I have made various collections, experimented with different techniques and languages; developing research in creative processes motivated by the places, experiences and sensations experienced.

Currently my work focuses more on the research: Between the limit of the past and the contemporary, that which is in constant transition and encapsulated within a workpiece.

This process has led me to focus on the façades of neighborhoods in different cities of Mexico, walls that promoted advertisements, currently deteriorated and with their own character. Trapping it, appropriating it and endowing it with transcendence and perpetuity.

My proposal goes beyond recovering these icons of anonymous lettering that are part of the identity and memory of the 60s and 80s community, with a pop of character to intervene and convert them into a work of art. The collection "Vestigios de Nuestros Tiempos" is a proposal for restoration and conservation, its aesthetics emerges from the convergence of the modern and the old, resisting a categorization within a genre, and inviting the observer to return to a not too distant past.

- Alfredo Romero